Mazin - 1314K-1CK*


Product Description:

The Evans Collection’s transitional style utilizes hints of modern design to create a versatile aesthetic addition to your bedroom. The California King low-profile platform bed features a sleigh headboard, while the unfettered lines present a classic profile. A light brown wire-brush finish is utilized to further the stylistic versatility of the collection.

ModelStock Box Description Cuft Gross Weight Net Weights Package Dimensions Dimensions
1314K-10 1 California/Eastern King Sleigh Headboard 11.61 58.5000 38.5000 82 x 34.5 x 7H 78.5 x 7.5 x 46.5H
1314K-20 1 California/Eastern King Footboard & Slats 5.76 64.0000 54.0000 82 x 17 x 7.25H 78.5 x 2.5 x 13.5H
1314K-3CK0 1 California King Side Rails 2.94 35.2500 31.0000 91.5 x 9.25 x 6H 84.5 x 3 x 6.5H


UpdateDate:2024/05/13 04:00:03

Weights and Dimensions:

  1. Overall Gross Weight: 157.75 lbs
  2. Overall Net Weight: 123.50 lbs
  3. Overall Dimension: 78.5 x 94 x 46.5H
  4. Headboard width: 78.5"
  5. Headboard height: 46.5"
  6. Footboard width: 78.5"
  7. Footboard height: 13.5"
  8. Rail to floor: 7"

Product Details:

  1. Country of Origin: Vietnam
  2. Made of rubberwood veneer, wood and engineered wood
  3. Wire brushed light brown finish
  4. Includes headboard, footboard, slats and rails
  5. Foundation/box spring not required
  6. Assembly required


  1. Number of Boxes: 3
  2. Overall CuFt: 20.4639
  3. Piece per Carton: 1
  4. Assembly Instruction:

Origin URL*:MazinFurniture.COM

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