


The Gerald Collection. With a rich Brown Bonded Leather-match cover, three reclining seats, cup holders and hidden storage.
Item No.* Description Dimension
9600-2L LSF Reclining Loveseat with Console 70 x 37 x 39H
9600-2R RSF Reclining Loveseat 57 x 37 x 39H
9600-AC Armless Chair 23 x 37 x 39H
9600-CR Corner Wedge 63 x 37 x 39H
Dimension as Shown: 112x123x39H - Dark Brown Bonded Leather-match


This collection is typically stocked in United States. Item numbers of some required sub-components may not be shown. These sub-components have their own item numbers and prices. Please speak with our sales staff to confirm that your price quoted is for the complete set.
2018/10/05 02:17:03